Saturday, June 20, 2009

Off Week at Homeland...

Homeland sales seem to cycle. Some weeks they have tons of great deals (like last week) and then the next week won't have much. This is one of those weeks and thus I haven't even made it to Homeland yet this week. I have to go tomorrow though because I have a gas catalina expiring. I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the Homeland gas catalina program, but if you aren't you need to be! Every time you shop at a Homeland store with a gas station, you will get a gas catalina if you spend a certain amount (before coupons). Here are the amounts:

$30-$49.99 = $.10 gal
$50-$74.99 = $.20 gal
$75-$99.99 = $.30 gal
$100-$124.99 = $.40 gal
$125 or more = $.50 gal

As you can probably guess, you get off the amount listed above per gallon you buy at a Homeland gas station, up to 20 gallons. Even better, you can use 3 catalinas per trip! That means if you have 3 $.50 gal catalinas you get $1.50 off per gallon! Gas is about $2.35 now, so lat means you are paying $.85 gallon for gas! Pretty cool huh?


  1. I am following you , found your post on we use coupons. a busy mom's day

  2. I want to learn how to coupon more than anything. I am unemployed so I have all the time in the world. My boyfriend works and we are wanting to get married and we really can't afford groceries and I would love to learn I just don't know anyone who could help :(.
